James Thomson

I am a ex military man who plays the pipes. Some of the tunes I play I find hard to memorise but I think with the help of your books this will improve tenfold.

Richard King

I have been playing pipes for over 30 years. I have had many musical hurdles during those years. Before reading “Practice Strategies that Cause Musical Improvement” I had already engaged in practice of this nature. Playing slowly enough where I can mentally say “down up” for each movement in something like a birl. This has […]

James Mullen

Found Stef’s webinars on cisco and have watched and gained very useful tips on how to imprint study material into the mind – the section on learning from text (Formerly known as reading) was very informative. Only problem is not with the webinars – they were great – but Cisco only has the first 2 […]

Bruce Mitchell

I was at Winter Storm 2020 in Kansas City Missouri and attended a class by Jack Lee and one by Stuart Liddell. Both are always enjoyable to learn from. After the classes I found two books by Stephanie Burns on Practice Strategies for Musical Improvement and Strategies for Learning and Memorizing Tunes at one of […]

Sue Costello

Thank you, Stephanie, after your seminar and appearance at WIMWA I have a renewed enthusiasm. I would wake up every day tired and drag myself to work, now I’m waking up with new interest, finding there are not enough hours in the day and a thirst for learning and helping others. I had dedicated myself […]

Sue Elsbury

Yay Stef!! Your website is back! Life is now back to normal…. 🙂

Glen Rodgers

Stef, as a professional drummer your teachings resonate with me on a daily basis, both in my teaching practice and own personal development. In the Scottish pipe band community of which I am a part, you are awakening in us the essential elements of how to learn correctly and well. You are the other half […]

Julie Hopkins

My previous career included running programs designed to help people learn how to learn. We focused on mature people who had ‘failed’ at school or youth at risk of leaving school early. I was one of those who did not do well at school at first. Then I discovered a new kind of learning and […]

Joanne Dunn

Stef and I met almost 8 years ago when I attended a ‘Train the Trainer’ program down in Melbourne. This program ran over 3 sessions and as Stef and I were one of the few living in Sydney at the time of the course, we made a point to meet up. From there, a firm […]

Bob Mason

Hi Stephanie I bought your book on Amazon and it is extremely helpful. I’ve been playing pipes for nearly 60 years now and while retired from competitive band and solo piping, I always look for ways to improve my playing. A never ending process, right? I have incorporated many of your suggestions into my practice […]